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Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12

Yes, you guessed it, I got lice! It was really interesting actually, I've never had them before so I didn't know what they were, but we bought some stuff and I think they're all gone. That's only part of the love, weirdy men tell me I'm beautiful everyday. I may not like that phrase much for a while.....Ha ha
Anyway! Yesterday Laura was baptized! Yes! Satanas didn't kill her and she is SO happy! She'll be confirmed this coming Domingo and I'm muy excited para her. Yes, castiyankee happens a lot of the time :) But yes, we're still working with Sofi, and we found another lady who is less active but wants to come back to church! She's the mom of another less active member so that was a nice connection to make! She has so many questions and it sounded like she has been pondering for a long time about things and wants to know exactly what the answers are. She's in luck ;) No, I know that Heavenly Father knows all things and has His eye on all the people that we teach and even contact. No one is forgotten. This work is so good. That thought has helped me these last few weeks. I may not ever see these people again or get to teach them anymore, but God doesn't forgot His children. I'm not worried when I realize this a nuevo.
Ziplocks!!!!!! Jaker, you may need to do an intervention. That is so funny. Ah well, I guess it's also that time of year, how did canning go? OH! Tanner! If you see him again tell him congrats and that I'm so excited for him! I think I'll be ok with sheets, I have the liner and the flat sheet from an old comp de Hna. Clark, but if I need to get some I can probably buy them here, hopefully.
Kim went repelling?! Upside down!?¡¿ Woh. I'm so glad she's doing well, and not falling on her head while repelling. And the MTC!!! Gah! When is Joseph gonna cut his hair? He needs a photo for his papers doesn't he? Hmmm.
I'm super sorry this is so short! But I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED the family email! I don't think I have time today to reply to everyone individually, perhaps I'll escribir actual cartas para vosotros! Maybe, we'll see how next week goes. Thank you for that! Thank you for the advice and the love and everything! I love you and hope this email isn't TOO disappointingly short. BUT! We have a lot of work to do this week and some very potential baptisms. I love you!
-Hna. Aubrey Pixton

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