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Monday, June 27, 2011

June 13, 2011

:) Love you Momma

Yes I did get my license and it is now in my drawer, safe under lock, yeah, apparently the people here steal things so we have to be careful.....I really doubt that but I can see how it may be a good idea with the Elderes.

Sigh, I just realized I've been a missionary for a total of 4 mondays now, so weird. AND we're halfway through june this month! It's so wierd how fast but how very slow everything is here. I have a different schedule every day so that keeps it exciting, but Saturday nights are killer. We have pretty slow mornings with personal study and language study and then 6 hours of class punctuated with dinner in the middle. By the end you just want to go to bed and hope your brain retains everything, then Sunday comes and it's all better.

Our Branch President chooses two people to speak randomly each sunday so you have to be ready with a talk in spanish on a certain topic, and guess who he picked this week!!!!!! That's right! Hermana Pixton come on down! But apparently I did well. After the missionaries talks the pres. spoke and I got really excited about getting to know the people in Argentina! Like super duper excited! I want to feel their pain and talk with them and listen to their concerns and teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ and love them so much deeper than I do now. Then the pres. spoke to the Elders and told them that when they give a blessing, to bless the people, not just pray over them. They hold that power of God and they need to use it to bless His children. I wanted to shake every Elder's hand because they held the priesthood. But I couldn't. Because apparently BYU has a virus going around that we really don't want to catch. It's a gastro intestinal virus so....yeah, no bueno.

Elders are loud about basketball.......I have a hard time spelling and channeling my thoughts. I am so proud of the Elders in my district! They are such good boys...Elders... Yesterday they left dinner early to get the back row of seats because they're more comfortable than the stands and have more leg room. The Hermanas get there and the Elders got chairs from somewhere else and put them behind the back row so we could sit in the comfy chairs. Good boys, but still boys. One of them, Elder Mikesell, tied a string to their bedroom door nob, to the desk, to a chair, to his sleeping roommate's ankle and to the other sleeping roommate's wrist. He reenacted it for us and the realizations that the two other Elders had was pretty funny. Another Elder (Rapp) woke up in the middle of the night to his companion (Daniel) yelling in a really low, loud voice something like "Your time has come!" Elder Rapp's first thought was "Satan?" Yeah, our Elders are all pretty awesome.

The spanish is coming, I didn't think it would but it is. This week our teachers surprised us by saying "Ok, you know how you were teaching your progressive investigators in English, well you won't ever be doing that anymore, so today we're teaching in it." So we got a bit freaked out. But in retrospect it's been really good. We have TRC every Thursday and we'll greet in spanish and teach in english (Story about this later) and in the 4th or 5th week here we have to teach in spanish and I personally was a bit nervous but now it's more like, "Yeah, ok, I just need to know how to conjugate verbs and nouns to become adjectives and all that jazz but the actual everything of speaking spanish to another human is less shocking. Ok, now the TRC story. TRC is when we go and teach a volunteer the first lesson or whichever lesson really and they act like an investigator. This last thurday, Hermana Bingham and I taught a lady named Rosa and she had a lot of questions (it was so good!) and we were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon and about Joseph Smith and modern day prophets and all these things and the Spirit was there! I was so happy! It's sometimes hard to make the simulation real, but Heavenly Father wants me to succeed, so He can send His Spirit to help whenever is needed, which I feel is always. But after the lesson and prayer, Rosa broke character and gave us both a hug and said we'd be great or do wonderful things or something to that effect. It made me so happy.

I'm progressing well, almost have the first two lines of the first vision memorized in spanish (I have it in English, but I know what I'm saying in English) and the baptismal challenge in Spanish is ALMOST there. I'm exacted about this work and the progress I'll make, not just here but through my whole life because I made this choice. I'll write actual letters probably every week but here's the update!
I love you all SO MUCH and I'm anxious to hear how your lives are going! This church is true, it has the fullness of Christ's gospel and it is the only way to get back to Heavenly Father's presence again!

-Hermana Aubrey Pixton

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