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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 17

So this one time, it was transfers, and I'm still in Puerto! Yay! (Oh, and you asked for the address last week but I forgot, so here it is.
It's an apartment above some stores.) and I got a new companion, her name is Hna Sleight. She was in the same group as me coming into Argentina. YEAH!!!! I'm a madrastra to my madrastra! I'm.....a little shocked. But I know that our President speaks with the Lord, and that all flesh is in His hands, so I'll try not to be nervous. Anyway! Wow, this week was so loco. We had to stop teaching one of our investigators and we can't find one and the other one is having trouble coming to church, BUT we will encontrar, enseƱar, y bautizar until the Lord tells us to stop. My brain is so everywhere right now. OK, so Hna Clark went to...somewhere to be the companion to Hna. Jensen! and living with Hna Bingham! Yeah, it's pretty fun. Hna Sleight is from Preston, Idaho but we don't know much about each other yet, I'll let you know as I know ;) OK, ready for my random ideas for Navidad!? OK, Ziplocs, more tights, PB, simple recipes (meat is a bit expensive here), PHOTOS! LETTERS!!! Home made stuff (that one is up to your discretion), white out, maple syrup extract and Reece's. Yes, those are what I've come up with as of late. I can buy mascara but I'm not wearing it a whole bunch so I still have some. And it may be against mission rules for you to be my maid (though it's a sweet gesture) Maybe some more garments, but I may want those closer to my birthday, unless you don't want to send me stuff near my birthday, in that case they would be great for Christmas. Hna Arancibia has Hna. Israelsen from Cash(?) Valley Utah, and she's been here one one transfer less than Hna. Sleight y yo. This letter may be super short because I'm really tired, Hna. Israelsen got here at 6ish in the morning and we got Hna. Sleight around 10:30-11 ish But yeah. I had SO much to say in this letter but I can't think of any of it. I'm so glad everyone's good. OH! Jack! That's adorable! And the Jacob story made me laugh. And don't worry about having an Argentine son in law, I'm funny invested in this work and not my own....eternal progression...ha ha, no I'll most likely get home, serve another mission later in Provo and meet someone from Canada or algo asi. Oh, and yes, Hna Clark gets home some time in February I believe and she lives in Tracy California. I love hearing about things everyone is doing! Never boring nor predictable. Normal life is medio raro a mi ahora. Sorry this is so short! Once again, my brain is everywhere. But I love you all and hope to hear from you soon! Love You Momma!
-Hermana Aubrey Pixton

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