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Monday, March 12, 2012

Para que es eso? March 12

 This week was weird and crazy and went by way too fast! We had our zone conference this last wednesday in Bahia. There were so many Hermanas there! All of the ones from my MTC group and then the rest! I think we were lacking 4 that are in Mar del Plata, but the rest were all there! I was so happy! And we talked A LOT about how to improve the ward council and the corrilation meetings with our mission leader of the ward. It was really good because I've been wondering for a long time how we can help this ward better. It was really great to hear Pres and talk with all the rest of the Hermanas! You know how you feel after church after a really long hard week? That's how I felt after this conference! Built up, ready to go to work again and excited that I'm alive! It was a really great conference. We also found a few people this week, one of which was talking to us about all the bad in the world and that in december of 2012 there'll be another Noah flood because we're all just so bad. What was I thinking of? This world is like Gotham city and the bad guys want to kill everyone so that it's "controlled" again and we as missionaries are like Batman! I make these connections sometimes, I'm not sure if that means I'm not focusing enough...but then again if I understand someone better because of them, I think they're ok. We aslo had our ward activity on saturday! It was the Iron rod! We set up caution tape with chairs and then blindfolded the people and told them not to let go of the "rod" no matter what. We as missionaries were to tempt them and make them leave the rod (kind of anti-missionary huh?) by offereing them different kinds of food, an easier way, talking them by the hand and leading them asrey. We only suceeded with one, and she was led away into "infierno". After we had a few share their expirience and their testimonies, it was a really great activity, I think we should do it with our ward :) Other than that we've been running to find people and getting really wet with all the rain that we're getting right now. See the pictures.
Things are good out here, still rather warm but getting wet and a bit cooler, We are four missionaries in D but we prosolyte two and two.

Oh the WAR guy, ok, is that his dad? If I remember right it's his dad...but I could be wrong about that.

That's so cute about the moose a muffin deal! That's cute and creative :) I loved MORP, it was a lot of fun and not expensive.  
No I totally understand about it being hard to "let go and let God" but it ends up being easier to deal with when you do. I've not had a lot of sucess fully letting go but when I have it's turned out all right and I know that God is in charge and in control. He's a good boy, still hasn't written me for a while but still a good boy. Thank you so much for the packages, I'm beginning to think it's a kind of therapy for you, like retail therapy, and I'm happy to share in this kind too! We'll do some retail therapy in a few months :) April for Laura and Steve, ok. And yeah, Kim told me about the dance camp and I'm anxious to hear how that goes. My plans after my mission.....I'm not sure, I want to work for sure, but I don't have the money for school if I get back in the middle of December, so for now it's a tentative plan to work until I have money for school, finish a degree at UVU, decide what I actually want to do with my life/education and go from there. I do think I'll be living at home until at least the summer. We'll see how it goes. And I'm not sure when they'll send me home, because we're getting a new president and I don't know if that'll change some things or not. As far as you all coming to Argentina, to be honest I would love to see you all here, it's beautiful and I love it, but (driving here is a bit dangerous and) I'm not sure what the rule on that is. I'll ask and get back to you soon! You are going to rock that lesson with the YW! Divine Potential is something that everyone needs to understand better, that really we can become like God if we work hard and remember that He prepared the way! I love you mom and I hope all is well. Thank you so much for everything you do for me and for our family. I take A LOT of comfort in that my family loves each other and we want to be together forever and that we can and will be. A lot of that is thanks to you and to Dad. Thanks Mom :)
Hermana Aubrey Pixton

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