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Monday, November 7, 2011

October 31

Happy Halloween! But more importantly, (a few days early) Happy Birthday! Yeah! 35! Right? :D
Wow, this week was interesting, but for suerte I'm still moving and thinking and I'm ready to work another week! We had stake conference this last Sunday, it was really good to hear from the leaders and our mission President. I leaned over to ask Hna. Arancibia about how many wards are in a stake and it turned into us talking about how we could have another stake by the end of the year and hopefully a temple in our mission really soon! That would be so great for the people here. Oh! I miss the Temple! I brought the Stephen Capp Perry Come to the House of the Lord with me on my iPod and it makes me miss the temple. Then there's the ensign talks and things about covenants and things...yeah, I miss it. So stake conference was good, I did have another encounter with the snake though and the other Hnas have told me that yes he is indeed a snake. I'm not too worried about it, I've not said a whole lot to him and the other Hnas are really good at getting me out of potentially hazardous situations so I should be fine. No worries mom, not thinking about men at all right now, flirting can't get our investigators to church (they're all women). Ha ha! Bien. Today we were thinking about what to do for Halloween, they kind of have it here but not a lot of people actually celebrate it, I think it's a States thing but I'm not sure where it came from before that. I still have the packs of fruit punch drink mix so we'll probably get back tonight and drink some "blood" and maybe put oven mitts on our heads and knock on the bedroom door and do a dance or something after we plan. Yes, it should be fun :) Any pizza and Harry Potter tonight? That's generally what I think of when I think about Halloween. But what an exciting week! Birthday and a call and todo esto! Divertido to say the least. Party it up! Ha ha :) Oh! Have you read the Book of Mormon Liahona yet? I got through a lot of the talks but then felt guilty for not studying the Book of Mormon so I still have the rest of the issue to finish :)
This last week was interesting but good, I think Hna Sleight and I finally feel like we have a foundation and we know more about how each other teach and so it's definitely better. We've been working with menos activos and converso recientes....recently...That's fun to say. We got a call on saturday night from one of our old investigators, like the end of my first transfer kind of old. He was a little drunk but agreed to come to the last bit of saturday night part of conference but since we haven't been able to get a hold of him. We've also been trying to contact a reference from the Elders who is apparently really awesome, so we're super excited! We have Sofi still and she told us that she'd be baptized by the end of the year by one of the ward missionaries! It's not really a date but I'm happy with it! We're giving her a calender tonight of december so she can set the date tranquilo. We also have two new ones, C and A, a mother and daughter who are a reference from a contact. We're really hoping to teach them for a while and we also have G. She's so special! She just needs to come to church! That's really the only thing that keeps her from being baptized. And we're still trying to find new ones to teach. There is work to do and I'm excited to do it! We have a cita soon, that's why this'll be a bit early. I still need to write Pres. so if you want to send me another email I can read about the week just after :) I completed 5 months in the mission this last week, so weird, so weird I was in the MTC from the 4th of July and now it's Halloween. I know right! Wow. I love you and I hope you have a great great week! Love!
-Hna. Aubrey Pixton

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