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Monday, May 21, 2012

Stop that coughing Kitty!

Yeah, my lungs hate me, but I got an inhaler and the area doctor said some other things I can take so I'm not worried, it has to do with asthma after an illness, normal but still annoying. So I've been coughing and Hna Baker was super worried, I was fine but called the docter anyway :)

Other than that we've had a good start to this transfer, other than being caught up in the house to see if that would help me. I'm in the same district as Hnas Carson and Orton! Our Elders are great boys, I don'thave any of their names down except for Elder Howard who is our district leader. We have good goals and I'm excited. We're working with a man and the woman he lives with who's less active and we want them to get married and him to be baptized.

We're also getting to know the ward a lot more and they are all AMAZING!!!! They're so incredible, we're a branch but we're growing and they all want to be a ward and help us make them a ward :) I love White! We need to find more still but that'll happen when I can breath :P Chiste. Yes I live only with Hna. Baker this time. Her name is Heidi, she's so great!

I'm so glad to hear about Joseph! Hna. Baker's brother got his call for Korea this last week and she's been talking about him with the members and I've been thinking about Joseph more than usual. It's so great to be a missionary! Oh! Look up, Life is a Game of Football by Troy Dunn. It's an old EFY talk that I've grown to LOVE! But as a missionary we learn the blessings that come and that 

God really is in control, that He will take care of us if we accept it. I love hearing that mom, thank you! I also remember that my president sent me the emails while I was still at home, I couldn't understand them at all but I got them, so I'm sure the mission presidente would be ok to get emails from a soon to be Elder!

Yay! "I love weddings, drinks all around!" Sprite.....and lemonade.

I was also musing at how God gives me different skills, and it usually comes through things that happen and I need to handle well. It's amazing, there was a talk that said praying for patience but wanting it now, doesn't work. I love the way our Father teaches us. Our Heavenly Father really does know what He's doing, we just need to have the faith and the works to trust him with our lives not just with our Sunday hours. I love this gospel, I love this church, I love this work!
I love you so much Mom! I hope everything is going well and you're enjoying the warmth!
Hna. Aubrey Pixton

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