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Monday, October 15, 2012

Aug 27- And of course, that will throw the girls in the path of other (creepy) rich men!

So remember "look into my eyes" man? Yeah we were walking down the median and this man was there. Hna Alverez was all NO! Creepy men! We walked and he stopped us and asked for our number and a time to meet, I pulled out a pass along card to write down the direction of the chapel and the hours and his friend who must have had at least 60 years comes over and starts talking drunken vulgarity to us, (I'm so glad I don't understand that type of Spanish but from what I understood and the way my companion acted it was pretty bad). Creepy man number one was trying to hush him up, Hna Alverez was saying to me, Hna, we have to go now! I gave creepy man one the card and he took my hand to shake it and then wouldn't let go! He says as I'm trying to leave, Go out with me. I say, no, we're missionaries and we don't do that. I continues to hold onto my hand. Hna Alverez grabs my arm and yanks it away and says, Ok chau! and we half run away. We had a therapy session afterward. "Creepy men" as Hna Alverez calls him, seems to be making random appearances but don't know where we live nor is following us so I'm OK. It does make me laugh when I try to get Hna. Alverez's attention and she thinks I'm telling her "creepy men" is following us :D Not that funny but I'd rather laugh than be paranoid. (And yes, other than drinking, this man is wealthier dressed, just to apply to the tag line more).
ANYWAY! Other than that we are still working with D, he is reading! He's waiting for an answer and we're doing all we can to help him but really it all depends on what he does to receive the answer and how he listens. We can't do much in that respect. We have a woman named L too who came to church yesterday with her daughter (who really liked primary and asked us for a Book of Mormon), L really liked church too but she was almost a nun, so she's taking the decision very seriously (as she should) and told us that she's taking this week to read and pray and meditate and she'll find us when she has her answer. We're excited! We're also trying to find and help all the recent converts from the last two years that aren't coming. I LOVE White! It's an amazing branch and I'm so grateful to have this time here.
OH! other story really fast, we were rounding a corner in the dark and this dog comes running at us (running away from another dog, they're everywhere here) and I'm thinking oh, a dog, he'll turn. No. He hit me dead in the shin and as I'm falling other I say OOOOOOHHHHHHH my gosh! Stupid dog! Yes there are bruises. Hna Alverez thought it was hilarious and keeps saying, stupid dog :)
We are getting spring! Hna Alverez is very happy as she hates the cold and we-re excited to not wear coats, we-re not excited that our bodies are to be slightly more exposed as they are larger. ;D I realized that I would miss a fall in Utah and I was very sad. But what do you do. OH! Hna. Vaughan went home this last week (I think I told you about her foot), I gave her a letter for you and Joseph so that should be coming soon. Hows Aaron doing? Ive hear NOTHING from the jury and I'm dying. Jacob! That's so great! With everything! Keep your head up and down Jakers!  I cant believe that so many other people are leaving too! Hey! Frozen peaches for green smoothies? We go to the panaderia a lot to buy a bed called minoƱes, its like a bagette, french bread thing that everyone eats down here. I'm thinking about making alfajores this week, or maybe the next, we'll see.
I love you Momma and I hope that all is well this week! (Whats up with people not telling me when they get married?)

Hna. Aubrey Pixton

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